

Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts

Friday, February 03, 2012

Daftar nomor HP Penipu Lewat SMS dan daftar nama toko online penipu

Ketik Ctrl + F untuk melakukan pencarian berdasarkan ID, no telepon, email, username atau nama blog/website.

Untuk teman-teman, hati-hati kalau belanja online di Indonesia, banyak nipu..lebih baik ke toko online yang sudah jelas..ada tokonya secara fisik (bhinekka, jakartanotebook,lazada- I am  not paid by them.) atau kalau mau online aman pakai eBay dan bayarnya pakai paypal, sehingga kalo barang ga kita terima, bisa refund selama bayar pakai paypal..

no penipu 081377767555 ,  +6281377767555 mengklaim sebagai petugas CIMB Niaga, 
updating no hp penipu dan toko online penipu :
no hp penipu
telepon : 085318129888

no telepon penipu:
081288328999 adalah toko online penipu

087842922555  082126210811 H.MULIYONO

085333333865 082191662484 SINAR JAYA

no penipu : 081294969973
penipu ini mengaku dari telkomsel. Bunyi sms penipu:Anda diminta menghubungi telkomsel pusat  no penipu 021-4040-2309
no penipu telkomsel 02140402309

no penipu lagi penipu 082316815021, ngaku bernama taufik penipu,
no hp penipu  082315537373. No penipu ini minta transfer angsuran ke taufik penipu

penipu lainnya : no penipu 082343376510
webiste penipu :

no penipu lainnya mengaku indosat :
no penipu 021 30226157
no penipu 02130225898, 085775446276
no pin bb penipu b6ba247

Just wanna palsu lainnya yang mengaku-ngaku dari telkomsel :
Website palsu . No telepon penipu yang ngaku-ngau telkomsel ini adalah 021-44728537, 021-44728547
no HP penipu Halo poin +6281294407358 081294407358
no hp penipu : 085322234434 , +6281287057717, +6281294372651, 02132768057 ,

Toko  Herman-celluler +6281287057717     website penipu          085322234434
toko online  penipu

Hasil research soal penipuan online di Indonesia:

Saya kesal sering terima sms-sms penipu. Saya sih selalu meng-ignore, jadi tidak pernah tertipu. Tapi, ternyata tidak semua orang mengabaikan sms-sms penipu, Oleh karena itu, banyak sekali warga yang tertipu. Supaya informasi penting ini tersebar dan juga dapat menghentikan aksi para penipu via website dan HP, maka saya tadi sempat meluangkan waktu untuk mengadakan research kecil-kecilan via google terkait daftar nama-nama website penipu dan juga nomor HP penipu. Saya sertakan sejumlah nama website dan no HP penipu. Anda tinggal klik saja link-link yang saya sertakan dalam website ini.
Tips supaya tidak tertipu:
1. Abaikan semua sms penawaran .Jangan pernah menanggapi sms-sms dari nomor yang tidak dikenal.
2. Google adalah mesin pencari terbaik sedunia. Jadi, jika anda penasaran, anda bisa googe nama toko, no hp yang mengirimkan sms belanja barang elektronik dengan murah.
Yang jelas, abaikan semua sms-sms yang menawarkan jual-beli.
3. Laporkan semua  no hp yang menawarkan jua-beli via sms
 ke kantor polisi terdekat. Kalau merasa tertipu segera lapor ke polisi dan juga informasikan via email
4.Jika anda malas, posting nomor tersebut  di website,  Facebook, Twitter. Ini akan mencegah si penipu memperluas sasarannya. At least, rekam jejak penipuan tersebut akan tersimpan di internet, dan Google akan mengindeksnya. I love Google!!!
segera laporkan kekepolisian dan ke bank, berikut prosedurnya:
1. Siapkan bukti transfer dalam bentuk apapun.
2. Siapkan nomor rekening dan segala data-data si penipu.
3. Telpon CS bank yang anda gunakan saat mentransfer uang, laporkan tindakan penipuan ini. (bank akan memberitahukan dokumen apa saja yang diperlukan)
4. Minta pihak bank memblokir nomor rekening si penipu. (biasanya diberikan waktu 1×24 jam untuk menyerahkan surat polisi & bukti transfer)
5. Datang kekantor polisi, ceritakan kronologis kejadiannya. Bayar administrasi 10ribu-20ribu.
6. Datang ke bank terdekat, serahkan segala dokumen yang diperlukan.
7. Rekening si penipu akan diblokir.
Berikutnya serahkan kepada polisi dan bank, semoga pelaku segera tertangkap
referensi: - - - Kompas referensi BI

Kalau ada info website palsu lainnya, anda bisa tuliskan itu via komentar di bawah. Sertakan detail nama website berikut no HP penipu

Post Date:
15 Jun 2011
Nama Lengkap :
Ekosaputro T A
Perihal Penipuan belanja melalui internet
Selamat siang Bapak/ Ibu Polisi
Saya mengalami penipuan belanja melalui Internet, dengan kronologis sbb:
Minggu 5 juni' 11 saya tranfer uang ke rekening bank Mandiri atas nama Sarita Dewi sebesar Rp. 3.500.105 no. Rek 1640000135709 untuk pembelian samsung P7100 ke :
Www Toko Sentronika (
Surat Izin Resmi Penyiaran Konten Website dari DEPKOMINFO dengan No.1571/SE/DJPT/KOMINFO/8/2010
Alamat Gerai :
Jln. Teuku Umar Komp: NAGOYA HILL. Blok.A No. 47 Nagoya Batam 29432 Indonesia
Hotline : 085 218 214 777 (24 Jam Online )
Facebook Toko Sentronika
Tapi barang tidak dikirim Dan yang bersangkutan tidak mau dihubungi.
Sampai sekarang telp tersebut masih aktif digunakan untuk penipuan.(sepertinya merasa aman bebas dari jangkauan hukum)
Demikian pengaduan saya, mohon kejahatan tersebut segera ditindak karena sudah banyak korban yang sama seperti yang saya alami,
Atas perhatiannya saya ucapkan terimakasih

Hati Hati Modus Penipuan di Facebook
Semakin banyak penipu membuka online shop di Facebook dengan menjanjikan barang dengan harga miring dan ternyata menipu pembeli tanpa mengirim barang setelah calon pembeli mengirim uang. Bahkan ada beberapa yang menggunakan profile palsu dan menggunakan nama Berry Indo serta logo image di profilenya untuk menipu orang. Jangan teransang dengan harga miring BlackBerry atau produk lainnya yang ditawarkan online termasuk di Facebook. Karena sangat gampang user membuat account / profile palsu di Facebook untuk jualan.
Kami pernah melaporkan facebook profile palsu kepada Facebook dan account tersebut berhasil ditutup oleh Facebook namum masih ada satu account yang aktif karena mereka mengantikan namanya. Jika anda menemukan profile palsu yang menggunakan nama BerryIndo, mohon laporkan kepada kami di

kenali polanya, ada diartikel berikut dan

astroelektronik [SUSPEND] 081 554 345 199
abadihomeshop [SUSPEND] 085333338385
abadishop [SUSPEND] 085333338385
armadaelektronika 082111096333
asiaelektronik 085378788868
batam-marketronik 082189534347
batamelektronika [SUSPEND] 085730182183
berjayaelektro 0178941135
bintangelektronik [SUSPEND] 085 381 007 755
batam-blackmarket 081215344437
bursa-elektronika 0821 1299 2211
bursaelektro 085865855567
bursashopping 085336855558
bathshira-computer [SUSPEND]
bintangwebstore [SUSPEND] 085333999823
cahayaelektronik [SUSPEND]
cell-irsan 082111426777
cemerlangshop 082123889777
centraelektronika 081235191947
computaonline 0815 5445 6999
contraelektronika 085217816666
deltawebstore 085333557797 085831258256
diskon-ramadhan 085330926789
diskonstore 085378852333 / 081998320223
discountelektroshop 085367777233 / 081998386336
discountelektronik 085331144445
diskonramadhan [SUSPEND] 085656894839
distributorhp99 085658268307 085333111787
duniahomeshop 085335746789
duniaolshop [SUSPEND] 085333111787
dutaelektroshop [SUSPEND] 0853-7-800-9-900
dutacahayaelektro 085 211 524 888
dutamurah 081572035872 / 081809815524
dutaonlineshop 085236217777
duta-elektronik [SUSPEND]
elektronikolshop [SUSPEND] 085367311115
elektronikonlinestore [SUSPEND]
elektronikastore [SUSPEND]
fardanshopping [SUSPEND] 082111096333
galleryelektronika [SUSPEND] 085 327 243 777
generalolshop [SUSPEND] 085377877757
Kunjungi juga artikel PENTING mengenai toko online BATAM berikut: dan

ni nomor penipu lainnya: 082315537373 , 3832222, 085222435910 website penipu 
no penipu 085330817238 , 085318201111, 3869977 adalah website penipu

no penipu : 085318654607, 085318127888 , 085222436143, 085211123478, 383222 
website penipu 
tukang tipu

Sekarang banyak travel nipu, mereka kirim penawaran lewat SMS, abaikan saja dan jangan lupa sebar nomor penipu ke internet supaya terekam google. 

nomor penipu lainnya: 082342012535 PIN BB penipu 297A43C6 

No penipu lainnya :
nomor penipu ngaku-ngaku beli tanah rumah dan minta uang ditransfer:
nomor penipu  085283251194  dan 085298289803
(ngaku bernama Hj Ani) alias tukang tipu

PS :If you get any sms offering gadgets or other things, just ignore and delete them. However it would be good if you also publish the thief number on internet

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Facebook Dont's

- Yahoo! News


1. Don't befriend your sketchy neighbor on Facebook. A man in the UK exploited the lame state of security questions to hack into his neighbors' bank accounts and steal from them. Iain Wood, 33, figured out friends and neighbors' bank account usernames -- perhaps the same as their email addresses? -- and then claimed to have forgotten the password. The banks asked security questions -- you know these: what's your pet's name? what's your best friend's name? what street do you live on? -- and Wood was able to answer them based on information he had dug up from their social networking accounts. He then broke into the accounts to get direct access to their money. His scheme was a bit more elaborate than that of the 23-year-old Californian who broke into women's email accounts to try to find nude photos of them. Wood says he would spend up to 18 hours a day going through people's profiles to find the information he needed to crack their accounts, reports the Telegraph. He stole over $55,000 over two years.

Remember, it's okay to defriend someone if they seem like the hacking type. And don't post information about your mother's maiden name if you can help it. Moving forward, for many of us, "social engineering hacking" may be a bigger concern than the more tech-savvy variety.

2. Don't make your Facebook events open to anyone who wants to come. New Yorkers, be aware that the NYPD have started patrolling the mean streets of Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter. A new unit in the Community Affairs Bureau will "mine social media, looking for info about troublesome house parties, gang showdowns and other potential mayhem," according to the New York Daily News. The police commissioner has specifically asked officers to keep track of parties that are advertised online, as they could get out of hand should they go viral. So party carefully, folks.

3. If you go on a looting spree during a week of riots, don't post the bounty in a photo on Facebook. That's what this dude did in London. It's wise that cops are getting on the digital beat, because crooks are often pretty revealing online. Even if your privacy settings are high enough that digital detectives can't see your booty, your crime-hating friends might rat you out. A 23-year-old Arizonan was charged with burglary this month after he robbed a fire department. He got burned by a Facebook friend, who called the police after he posted a photo of himself wearing a stolen fireman's helmet.

4. Finally, don't kid around about wanting to hire a hitman to kill somebody, because they could actually end up dead. We mentioned the case of London Eley as a previous folly. Eley, 20, posted a Facebook status message about being willing to "pay a stack" to someone to "kill her baby daddy." Timothy Bynum said he would take her up on the offer asking, "where he be at" and saying "i need that stack first." The baby daddy, Corey White, alerted police who arrested and charged Bynum and Eley. They went before a judge on Monday, who upheld the charges against them. Hours later, White was shot and killed. Though Eley and Bynum both said that they were not serious about their postings -- and were both in jail at the time of the shooting -- their prosecutions for murder solicitation and murder conspiracy, respectively, surely aren't helped by this.

Here is some more practical advice on "Facebook don'ts" via All Facebook: 7 Stupidest Mistakes We Keep Seeing on Facebook.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mark Zuckerberg engaged to Priscilla Chan

Bill Gates on giving away his fortune - and Mark Zuckerberg's engagement?

Bill Gates' intimate interview with the Mail on Sunday revealed some entertaining insights about the Microsoft co-founder, who's promoting the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisations conference in London today. We've read it, so you don't have to:

• He's given $28bn to charity and is still worth $56bn.

• His three children will inherit only "a minuscule portion of my wealth" - said it to be $10m each. "It will mean they have to find their own way." (Find their own way... to the bank, as a colleague has just wryly added.)

• When asked if his kids have iPads, iPhones and iPods, Gates replied that they have the Microsoft equivalent. "They are not deprived children."

• He has a Twitter account but struggled with Facebook because of too many friend requests.

• He drove his daughter and her friends to U2's recent gig in Seattle, and then Bono stayed at their house.

• In 1994 Gates bought the Codex Leicester, one of Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks, which cost him $30.8m.

• He nods to speech and voice recognition as "the next big thing". You'll be able to touch that board or speak to it and get your message to colleagues around the world. Screens are cheap."

• He still has a letter from his mother, who died from breast cancer in 1994, in which she says that "from those to whom much is given, much is expected". Of his decision to fund vaccination programmes, rather than developing treatments for cancer, he said: "When you die of malaria aged three it's different from being in your seventies, when you might die of a heart attack or you might die of cancer. And the world is putting massive amounts into cancer, so my wealth would have had a meaningless impact on that."

• Regarding his friendship with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Gates may have let slip that Zuckerberg has become engaged to his girlfriend of eight years, Priscilla Chan - though Facebook PR has denied this is true. "His fiancée Priscilla thought about education and he gave money to Newark, New Jersey, and we did a co-grant so that some of our people who had some expertise in that field could help him out. He deserves credit. I started meaningful philanthropy in my forties. He's starting way earlier."

• And does he mind being called a 'geek'? "If being a geek means you're willing to take a 400-page book on vaccines and where they work and where they don't, and you go off and study that and you use that to challenge people to learn more, then absolutely. I'm a geek."

Bill Gates - in numbers

Bill Gates - in numbers. Graphic: Daily Mail

Friday, January 22, 2010

Reporters put Twitter, Facebook to 'Big Brother' test
FIVE journalists will lock themselves away in a French farmhouse with access only to Facebook and Twitter to test the quality of news from the social networking and micro-blogging sites.

Twitter and Facebook's use as news-breaking tools has been highlighted over the past year, particularly during opposition protests in Iran that many media described as a "twitterised revolution".

This month, Twitter played a key communications role in quake-hit Haiti, with users sending harrowing personal accounts, heart-rending pictures and cries for help.

But how will the world look if viewed only through the prism of these sites, whose phenomenal growth has been fuelled by smartphones and, for Twitter, online bursts of 140 characters?

Are these social media - which between them have nearly 400 million users - really the serious threat to established media they are often said to be?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Facebook Mishaps

Facebook users force 'copyright' plan U-turn | Australian IT
FACEBOOK has withdrawn controversial changes to its terms of service after receiving a storm of complaints from users of the social networking website.
Tens of thousands of posters protested after an unannounced change seemed to grant Facebook the right to control and use the information posted by account holders on the site for ever, even if they had cancelled their accounts.

Users feared that the new terms gave Facebook the right in perpetuity to use their photos, messages and other content for marketing or to sell to advertisers.

Facebook announced last night that it was reverting immediately to the old terms of service, which included the crucial sentence: "You may remove your user content from the site at any time. If you choose to remove your user content, the license granted above will automatically expire, however you acknowledge that the company may retain archived copies of your user content."

Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder and CEO of Facebook , wrote on a blog: "A couple of weeks ago, we revised our terms of use, hoping to clarify some parts for our users. Over the past couple of days, we received a lot of questions and comments about the changes and what they mean for people and their information. Based on this feedback, we have decided to return to our previous terms of use while we resolve the issues that people have raised."

He added: "We think that a lot of the language in our terms is overly formal and protective."

The terms of use were updated on February 4 but the move was not noticed until a consumer rights blog pointed it out last Sunday.

Objections quickly mounted as it was noted that no other mainstream social network took such a hard line with their terms of use. There are more than 175 million regular users of Facebook.

Mr Zuckerberg added on the blog: "In reality, we wouldn't share your information in a way you wouldn't want. The trust you place in us as a safe place to share information is the most important part of what makes Facebook work. Our goal is to build great products and to communicate clearly to help people share more information in this trusted environment."